Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Wiki: Interactive Brokers TWS API

Hi all,

I created a new Wiki for the Interactive Brokers Trader Worstation (TWS) Application Programming Interface (API). Also known as TWSAPI. Hopefully the larger TWS community will contribute to create some real documentation for this API. Interactive Brokers has some documentation but it's pretty weak when it comes to the details.

Check it out!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Android DDMS

I really like the Android DDMS perspective in Eclipse.

Taking screenshots, however, is not as great.
I'd rather use the Droid@Screen Java app for screencaps.

My First Post

Welcome to my first post, eh?

This will serve as a start point for some random musing about technology.
Specifically, when I search for something and can't find the answer I'm looking for, I'll post it here in the hopes that someone else will save some time in the future.

Thanks for reading!